1. Friday Night Funkin' Modding
  2. Getting Started
  3. Fundamentals
    1. The Metadata File
    2. Loading the Mod In-Game
    3. Asset Replacement and Additons
    4. Mod Load Order
    5. Hot Reloading
    6. Chapter Conclusion
  4. Custom Assets
  5. Custom Songs and Custom Levels
    1. Creating a Chart
    2. Adding the Custom Song
    3. Adding a Custom Level
    4. What Are Variations?
    5. Adding Variations to Existing Songs
  6. Custom Characters
    1. Character Assets
    2. Creating a Character
    3. Using a Character in a Song
    4. Fixing Character Offsets
  7. Custom Stages
    1. Creating a Stage
    2. Using a Stage in a Song
  8. Custom Playable Characters
    1. Required Assets
    2. Creating a Playable Character
  9. Custom Note Styles
    1. Creating a Note Style
    2. Using a Note Style in a Song
  10. Mod API Systems
  11. Migration
    1. v0.1.0 to v0.5.0
  12. Appending And Merging Files
    1. Appending Files
    2. Merging Files
  13. HScript
  14. Using HScript
    1. What is HScript?
  15. Scripted Classes
    1. Scripted Songs
  16. HScript (Advanced)
  17. WIP: Scripted Modules
  18. WIP: Custom Shaders
  19. Writing And Contributing to This Book