Character Spritesheet Formats

The individual sprites of a character's animations must be combined into a spritesheet for the game to use them. Friday Night Funkin' supports one of several formats:

  • sparrow: Combines the images into a large sheet, then provides an XML file containing the coordinates of each frame with it. Can be exported directly from Adobe Animate or Flash CS6 using the Generate Sprite Sheet option, or can be created from individual frames using Free Texture Packer (note that Free Texture Packer refers to this format as Starling).

  • packer: Combines images into a sheet, then provides a TXT file containing the coordinates of each frame.

  • animateatlas: Created exclusively when using Adobe Animate, this exports individual symbols into a large sheet, then provides a JSON file with data to split up each symbol, then provides a second JSON to arrange those symbols into animations. Great for performance, especially for characters which were made by rearranging smaller parts. We use the FlxAnimate Haxelib for this.

  • multisparrow: Allows for different groups of animations to be exported into separate Sparrow spritesheets, then combined together into one character.