Creating a Character

A custom character requires creating a new JSON file in the data/characters folder. Below is an example of Girlfriend's character data file, from assets/data/characters/gf.json1

  "version": "1.0.0",
  "name": "Girlfriend",
  "renderType": "sparrow",
  "assetPath": "characters/GF_assets",
  "startingAnimation": "danceRight",
  "singTime": 8.0,
  "animations": [
      "name": "danceLeft",
      "prefix": "GF Dancing Beat",
      "frameIndices": [30, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14],
      "offsets": [0, -9]
      "name": "danceRight",
      "prefix": "GF Dancing Beat",
      "frameIndices": [
        15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
      "offsets": [0, -9]
      "name": "sad",
      "prefix": "gf sad",
      "frameIndices": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
      "offsets": [2, -21]
      "name": "singLEFT",
      "prefix": "GF left note",
      "offsets": [0, -19]
      "name": "singDOWN",
      "prefix": "GF Down Note",
      "offsets": [0, -20]
      "name": "singUP",
      "prefix": "GF Up Note",
      "offsets": [0, 4]
      "name": "singRIGHT",
      "prefix": "GF Right Note",
      "offsets": [0, -20]
      "name": "cheer",
      "prefix": "GF Cheer",
      "offsets": [0, 0]
      "name": "combo50",
      "prefix": "GF Cheer",
      "offsets": [0, 0]
      "name": "drop70",
      "prefix": "gf sad",
      "frameIndices": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
      "offsets": [2, -21]
      "name": "hairBlow",
      "prefix": "GF Dancing Beat Hair blowing",
      "frameIndices": [0, 1, 2, 3],
      "offsets": [45, -8]
      "name": "hairFall",
      "prefix": "GF Dancing Beat Hair Landing",
      "frameIndices": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
      "offsets": [0, -9]
      "name": "scared",
      "prefix": "GF FEAR",
      "offsets": [-2, -17]

The available fields are:

  • version: The version number for the Character data file format. Leave this at 1.0.0.
  • name: The readable name for the character, used in places like the Chart Editor.
  • renderType: The render type. One of sparrow, packer, animateatlas, multisparrow.
  • assetPath: The main asset path to use for this character, relative to the images directory in your mod folder.
    • For the sparrow asset type, this must point to the path where the xml and png are located, without the file extension.
    • For the packer asset type, this must point to the path where the txt and png are located, without the file extension.
    • For the animateatlas asset type, this must point to the folder where the Animation.json and any spritemaps are located.
    • For the multisparrow asset type, point to the path where your main Sparrow spritesheet is located. On each animations which uses a different Sparrow spritesheet from the main one, add the assetPath key to that specific animation.
  • scale (currently buggy): Specify the size of the character relative to the original size. For example, 2.0 makes the sprite twice as big. Optional, defaults to 1.0.
  • healthIcon: Data for the health icon to display in-game. For example, Boyfriend will obviously use Boyfriend's health icon. Optional, defaults its ID to character's ID.
  • death: Data for the death screen to use, when the character reaches 0 health. Optional, doesn't default to a specific object.
  • offsets: The global offset to the character's position, in pixels. Optional, defaults to [0, 0].
    • Use an array of two decimal values, the first for horizontal position and the second for vertical position.
  • cameraOffsets: The amount to offset the camera by while focusing on the character. Optional, default value focuses on the character directly.
    • Use an array of two decimal values, the first for horizontal position and the second for vertical position.
  • isPixel: Specify whether to disable texture smoothing for the character. Optional, defaults to false.
  • danceEvery: The frequency at which the character will play its idle animation, in beats. Optional, defaults to 1.
    • Increasing this number will make the character dance less often.
  • flipX: Whether to flip the whole sprite horizontally in-game. Useful for characters that could also be played (Pico). Optional, defaults to false.
  • startingAnimation: The animation for the character to play when they are first loaded in. Optional, defaults to idle.
  • singTime: The amount of time, in steps, for a character to keep singing after they let go of a note. Optional, defaults to 8.
    • Decrease this if the character seems to hold their poses for too long after their section is done.
    • Increase this if the character resets to the idle animation in the middle of their singing animations.
  • animations: A list of animation data objects for the character.

Health Icon data is structured like so:

  • id: The ID to use for the health icon, defaults to character's ID.
  • scale: Specify the size of the health icon relative to the original size. For example, 2.0 makes the sprite twice as big. Optional, defaults to 1.0.
  • flipX: Whether to flip the whole sprite horizontally in-game. Optional, defaults to false.
  • isPixel: Specify whether to disable texture smoothing for this characters health icon. Optional, defaults to false.
  • offsets: The offset of the health icon, in pixels. Optional, defaults to [0, 0].
    • Use an array of two decimal values, the first for horizontal position and the second for vertical position.

Death data is structured like so:

  • cameraOffsets: The amount to offset the camera by while focusing on this character as they die. Optional, defaults to [0, 0].
    • Default value focuses on the character's graphic midpoint.
    • Use an array of two decimal values, the first for horizontal position and the second for vertical position.
  • cameraZoom: The amount to zoom the camera by while focusing on this character as they die. Optional, defaults to 1.
  • preTransitionDelay: The delay between when the character reaches 0 health and when the death animation plays. Optional, defaults to 0.

Animation data is structured like so:

  • name: The internal animation name for the game to use.
  • prefix: The animation name as specified by your spritesheet.
    • For Sparrow or Packer, check inside the data file to see what each set of frames is named, and use that as the prefix, excluding the frame numbers at the end.
    • For Animate Atlases, use either the frame label or the symbol name of the animation you want to play.
  • offsets: Some animations may need their positions to be corrected relative to the idle animation.
    • Use an array of two decimal values, the first for horizontal position and the second for vertical position.
  • looped: Whether to loop this animation in-game. If false, the animation will pause when it ends, until the game commands the character to do something else.
  • flipX: Whether to flip the sprites of this animation horizontally in-game.
  • flipY: Whether to flip the sprites of this animation vertically in-game.
  • frameRate: A frame rate value, defaulting to 24.
  • frameIndices: Optionally specify an array of frame numbers (starting at frame 0!) to use from a given prefix for this animation.
    • For example, specifying [0, 1, 2, 3] will make this animation only use the first 4 frames of the given prefix.
  • assetPath: For the multisparrow asset type specifically. Define a secondary Sparrow spritesheet which will be loaded, and which contains the frames for this animation.

The animation names the game uses by default are:

  • idle: For the idle animation.
  • danceLeft and danceRight: Supercedes the idle animation with one that toggles between two animations.
  • singLEFT, singDOWN, singUP, singRIGHT: The animations for playing notes, when the character is a player or opponent.
  • singLEFTmiss, singDOWNmiss, singUPmiss, singRIGHTmiss: The animations for missing notes, when the character is a player.
  • Adding a new singing animation with the name of an existing animation with -hold at the end will play the animation after the first one ends, while the character is still singing.
    • As a good example, you can copy the singLEFT animation to make a singLEFT-hold animation, which has looped as true and frameIndices as the last few frames of the singing animation.
  • Adding a new singing animation with the name of an existing animation with -end at the end will play an animation before returning to idle.
    • For example, you can define a new singLEFT-end animation to cleanly transition into the idle animation.
  • You can add other animations by name, but you'll have to play them with a script, or a Play Animation song event in the Chart Editor.

When the game starts, it queries the list of possible characters by searching in the data/characters folder for JSON files. This gets used to preload data which is used later when the character is loaded in a stage.

Replacing/Reskinning an Existing Character

As a short aside, you can create a JSON with the same filename as an existing character (from the base game, or from a mod if your mod loads after it) and it will replace it. This can be used to create more elaborate reskins for characters, such as ones that use a different render type.