Creating a Friday Night Funkin' Mod - Scripted Songs

This chapter will walk you through the process of adding a script to a Song, and giving examples of the kind of custom behavior which can be implemented with this functionality.

Start by creating a scripted class file with the .hxc extension (in the mods/mymod/scripts/songs if you want to keep things organized).

// Remember to import each class you want to reference in your script!

// Choose a name for your scripted class that will be unique, and make sure to specifically extend the Song class.
// This class's functions will override the default behavior for the song.
class BallisticSong extends Song {
	public function new() {
        // The constructor gets called once, when the game loads.
        // The constructor takes one parameter, which is the song ID for the song you are applying the script to.

    // Add override functions here!

You can then add override functions to perform custom behavior.