Appending Files

Adding values to the end of a data file is pretty straight-forward, but it depends on the file type you want to append to.

Create a new file in the _append folder of your mod, with a path matching the file you want to append to. For example, to append to assets/data/introText.txt, you would place your file at mods/mymod/_append/data/introText.txt

Appending to TXT Files

If the file extension of the append file is .txt, the contents of the file will be simply appended to the end of the target file.

Appending to CSV/TSV Files

If the file extension of the append file is .csv or .tsv, the rows in the sheet will be added to the end of the target sheet.

Appending to XML Files

TODO: Fill this out.

Appending to JSON Files

If the file extension of the append file is .json, the value will be parsed and naively appended to the target data.

For example, given the source file data/mydata.json:

  "test1": [1, 2, 3],
  "test2": {
    "foo": "bar"
  "test3": "baz"

We can provide the file mods/mymod/_append/data/mydata.json:

  "test4": "hello",
  "test2": {
    "fizz": "buzz"

And Polymod will mutate it to get this result:

  // Unreferenced values are untouched.
  "test1": [1, 2, 3],
  // Included values are placed in directly, not merged!
  "test2": {
    "fizz": "buzz"
  "test3": "baz",
  // New values are simply included.
  "test4": "hello"

If you want something more particular, see Merging into JSON Files for a more powerful and flexible approach.